life in the uk test 4

Life in the UK Test 4

1. When a woman got married, her earnings, property and money automatically belonged to her husband,
2. Who sat in the House of Lords in the Middle Ages?
3. In 1982, Argentina invaded
4. In Scotland, most civil matters, except the most serious ones, are dealt with by
5. Who may not qualify for statutory payments such as maternity pay if they don’t pay enough?
6. The best preserved prehistoric village in northern Europe is
7. Christmas Day celebrates
8. No monarch has set foot in the House of Commons since
9. The Queen has an important role in providing stability and continuity. She also provides a focus for national identity and pride.
10. Who was Emmeline Pankhurst?
11. Which British city was almost destroyed by German bombings?
12. Who keeps order during political debates in the House of Commons and makes sure the opposition has a guaranteed amount of time to debate issues which it chooses?
13. Hannukah is celebrated for
14. The London Eye was originally built
15. What happens if one party does not get a majority in a General Election?
16. The Falkland Islands are a
17. The modern game of golf can be traced back to 15th century
18. The burial place of one of the Anglo-Saxon kings was at
19. The Act of Union created the Kingdom of Great Britain in
20. Who became king of England in 1485?
21. Sir Steve Redgrade won gold medals in
22. You must have a driving licence to drive on public roads.
23. Who arrived in Britain 6,000 years ago?
24. Cases involving personal injury, family matters, breaches of contract, and divorce are dealt with by



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