life in the uk test 1

Life in the UK Test 1

1. The symbol of the House of Tudor was a sign that
2. How many members does the UN Security Council have?
3. Housesteads and Vindolanda are
4. After the Glorious Revolution, some constituencies were controlled by a single family. What were they called?
5. Chief Constables are
6. What is Burns’ best-known work?
7. Radio and TV must give political parties balanced coverage, so that time is divided equally between rival viewpoints.
8. Dylan Thomas was born in
9. Small claims can be issued online.
10. During the Victorian period, the British Empire grew to cover
11. The Church of England is known in the United States as
12. Name an important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s.
13. Who is the head of the Church of England?
14. Hannukah is celebrated for
15. Mothering Sunday is the Sunday
16. Florence Nightingale is
17. Who designed the Queen’s House at Greenwich in the 17th century?
18. What are the traditional pub games?
19. In a democracy, the whole adult population gets a say either by direct voting or by choosing representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
20. Since 1958, the Prime Minister has had the power to nominate
21. What is written in newspapers is controlled by the government.
22. Who is Sir John Betjeman?
23. What is “individual registration”?
24. King Henry’s army defeated the French in the



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