The Canadian citizenship test study guide is a 63 page booklet. It contains all the testable topics in the Canadian citizenship test.  To pass the test you’ll need to master these topics. 

Read on to know some of the topics to expect.


Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

As a Canadian citizen, you’ll have certain rights and responsibilities. All drawn from Canada’s history and Canadian law. 

The rights and responsibilities are a reflection of all citizens’ shared traditions, identity and values.

Canadian law basically includes laws passed by Parliament.  As well as the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France and the unwritten constitution inherited from Great Britain.

Simultaneously they secure an 800-year old tradition of liberty. One that dates back to 1215 with the signing of the Magna Carta. Also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms in England.

It includes:

  • Freedom of conscience and religion
  • Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press
  • Freedom of peaceful assembly
  • Freedom of association.

Habeas corpus, the right to challenge unlawful detention comes from English common law.

In 1982, there was an amendment to Canada’s constitution. Which was to effectively entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It distinctly begins with the words, “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” This phrase underlines the importance of religious traditions to Canadians. In addition to the dignity and worth of the human person.

The Charter attempts to summarize fundamental freedoms. Whilst also setting out additional rights.

The most importantly these include:


Mobility Rights

In this country, you can actually live and work anywhere. You can even enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport.


Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights

The rights guaranteed in the Charter won’t adversely affect the rights of Aboriginal peoples.


Official Language Rights and Minority Language Educational Rights

French and English are the official languages. They’re therefore applied equally in government business.



This is fundamentally a characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity. As a citizen you’ll celebrate the gift of one another’s presence.


The Equality of Women and Men

In Canada men and women are equal under the law.

There’s really no place in Canada for honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.

If you’re found guilty of these crimes you’ll be severely penalized. The punishment will be in line with Canada’s criminal laws.


Citizenship Responsibilities

In this country, all rights that you have will definitely come with responsibilities.

These include:

  • Obeying the law — One of the  founding principles is the rule of law. Nobody including the government is above the law.
  • Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family — Work contributes enormously to personal dignity, self-respect and Canada’s prosperity.
  • Serving on a jury — serving on a jury is a privilege that truly makes the justice system work. This is because it depends on impartial juries made up of citizens.
  • Voting in elections — the right to vote is also a responsibility to vote. 
  • Helping in the community —volunteering is an excellent way to gain useful skills and develop friends and contacts.
  • Protecting and enjoying your heritage and environment — as a citizen you’ll have a role to play in protecting the country’s heritage. Namely, natural, cultural and architectural legacies for future generations.

While you read the Canadian citizenship test study guide take time to keenly understand all topics.


Defending Canada

There’s really no compulsory military service in Canada.

However, serving in the regular Canadian forces is a noble way for you to actively contribute to Canada as well as an excellent career choice.

You can serve in your local part-time military reserves. And in turn you’ll gain valuable experience, skills and contacts.

You may also serve in the Coast Guard. Or emergency services such as a police force or fire department.

By helping to protect your community, you’ll follow in the footsteps of Canadians before you who made sacrifices to serve.

In Conclusion

If you read the Canadian citizenship test study guide comprehensively, there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t pass this test.